Saturday, November 28, 2009


We went down to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with my side of the family. Thursday we drove out to Marble Falls to my aunt's house. We had a great time with the family - watching football, playing with cousins and catching up, and who could forget the delicious food.

Here's the whole family! Yep, that's Kinley's new smile and Kendall was too tired to bother.

This is my Granny with all her great-granddarlings
Lee, Addison, Kendall, Kinley, Leah
Holly, Emma

Kinley was playing hard with her cousins. Her cheeks are pink because she was hot, her nose is red because they put chalk for the pool cues on their noses pretending to be reindeer (Leah told us she was Blixen) and that's worm cake all over her shir. Obviously she had a great day.

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