Well, 2012 was a busy year for us. That might be an understatement:) Since it would take me forever to play catch-up, I've done a little review of the big moments for us. Hope y'all enjoy!
Proudly introducing Tucker and Max!
Our precious boys arrived on March 15 (6 weeks early). Max Emerson was born at 7:51am followed quickly by Tucker Elias at 7:52.
Here is Tom holding his firstborn son, Max. Max was 3 pounds 1 ounce and 15.75 inches long. He spent 15 days in the NICU and came home just under 4 pounds. He is an amazing little man - so adventureous, happy and loving.
Tucker was 5 pounds 9 ounces and 18.5 inches long. He spent 8 days in the NICU and came and visited his big brother the other 7 days Max was there without him. Tucker is so treasured - happy, a kisser and a bit of a momma's boy.
This is Tom holding both boys at the same time for the first time. They were 5 days old and doing great!
About a week after the boys were born, Tom and his brother officially opened their CrossFit gym. We have really loved getting to know our members and continue to grow every day.
A quick peek inside the gym at the end of a class.
On April 8 my older sister married the love of her life and her best friend, Patrick Mann. Not only did she get an amazing husband, but another daughter (Elizabeth) to join the "fun". Can you imagine 4 teenage girls?!
Kinley and Kendall Easter morning.
On April 14 we had a huge scare from our little Kendall. Apparently she is severly allergic to some tree nuts - especially cashews. I came home to Kendall gagging in the sink after she ate half a cashew. When she looked at me her face was hugely swollen and her voice didn't sound right. I grabbed her, told Tom we were going to the ER, left my mom with the other 3 kids and jumped in the car. I was sitting on top one of the boy's carseat bases holding Kendall. I don't even know how fast Tom was driving, but I don't think it was legal. Kendall kept answering me when I would ask her questions, and about 3 miles from the hospital she threw up all over me - of course. I jumped out of the car at the ER doors telling them she was having an allergic reaction. Thankfully a nurse was standing there and took us immediately back to a bed. It was less than 3 minutes when there were 2 doctors and 4 nurses working on Kendall. Long story short...we almost lost her. She ended up staying in the hospital over night with Tom for monitoring. She stayed swollen for almost a week from the reaction, fluids and steroids. After allergy tesing, she's allergic to most tree nuts except pecans and almonds. Ironically, Kinley had been having little reactions for a while. After she threw up at PF Chang's, I also had her tested and she is allergic to the same nuts. Very strange and scary!
It took almost 4 months, but here is the first picture of all 4 kiddos.
Here's my "little squirt" Max and "big guy" Tucker at 2 months old.
In late May, the girls got to compete in their first track meet. Perfectly, it was held on Tom's high school track. Kinley did amazing! She placed top 3 in every event she entered. I'd have to say her highlight was running the 400. She sprinted out to a huge lead at 200 meters. I thought for sure she was going to tie up and limp in, but she just kept her little legs going. Tom was down on the infield for the last 75meters. She looked over to him at one point with the most pathetic look ever on her little face. I wish we had it on video - Tom and I still laugh about that look.
Kendall ran a great 50 meters, but we really need to work on her reaction time at the start:)

At the beginning of June our BFFs from Kansas came out to visit us! We had so much fun and hated to see them go. I miss that Kinley doesn't have a friend like Bryleigh here. I don't know if she'll ever find another person she loves so much - I know I won't find another Nicole:)
We went up to Enchanted Forest. Its a great little amusement park with a nursery rhyme theme to everything. The weather was perfect and I think the kids liked it as much as Nicole and I did.
Bryleigh, Kinley, Kendall and Paxton beside Humpty Dumpty.
Kinley and Kendall riding a little candy train.
Two beautiful girls waiting for root beer floats.
We took a trip to the Heceta Lighthouse. Unfortunately it was being restored so it looked like a big heap of scaffolding. We played a little down by the beach before we hiked up to see the lighthouse and amazing view.
In Newport, we spent some time on the beach and in the water. Let me just say how FREEZING the water was. I stayed back on the beach with the boys, but I wouldn't even put my feet in. Those crazy kids were all in the water! We did have to strip them down and wrap them in towels and blankets and whisk them into a heated up car for them to thaw out, but they say they loved it - like I said CRAZY!
We went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium and saw some of the biggest starfish I've ever seen!
On our last day together, we went to the Portland zoo. I really liked how natural feeling it was. Kinley and Bryleigh took every opportunity to pose for me. I really can't telly you how many pictures I have like this.
Some of my most favorite people looking at a bear I think.
Just a couple days after our friends left, my parents came up to visit us on their great northwest road trip.
Grandlis loving on Tucker and Opa bonding with Max.
Happy 4th of July!
Yep, this is the first picture of all 6 of us. (Its a lot of work to get everyone together)
In July Tom was inducted into the AHEPA sports hall of fame. Throughout Tom's career, AHEPA has been very supportive of him and it was a huge honor for him to be included into this organization's hall of fame.
Tom and Kinley looking amazing at the banquet.
The girls.
The boys got all dressed up, but we ended up having Tom's cousin and his wife and beautiful daugher hang out with them while we went to the banquet with the girls.
Don't they look handsome?
Here's Max sitting poolside with his drink:)
In August we got more visitors from Texas. My little sister and her 2 boys came to see the boys of the family. We went down to play at the pool one day and had an absolutely amazing time.
The 4 big cousins.
Kinley showing how brave she's getting jumping off the bridge.
Tom compted in his first CrossFit competition in Bend. He and Nic, a member of our gym, were a team. They did great finishing 3rd. Billy competed as an individual and finished 2nd. Our female team did great as first-time cometitiors. It was great getting to watch Tom compete again, but a big adjustment from the track days.
Tom and Nic finishing the first workout
Tom with Nic waiting his turn
So, the picture on the right is Kendall cheering on Tom during the Bend competition.. the picture on the left is Kinely during the 2008 Olympic Trials. Too close for me to not show - ironically, I didn't take either of these.
Kinley's first day of 1st grade. Her new favorite color is turquois:)

Tucker and Max snug in thier car seats

A funny fall picture of the kiddos after church.
Tucker and Max loving the pumpkins.
Halloween party down and the big house. Kendall didn't want to dresss up, so she settled on bunny ears. Kinley was too cold to just wear her hula girl outfit, and I was sporting my kitty ears for fun.
So, most of these kids are related in some way. Some are siblings, cousins and second cousins, but that all confuses me, so we just call them family. About 28 - I think.
The girls and Daddy carving their pumpkin for the contest.
We took the family to a corn maze. The girls loved running down the rows. They were all for it for about the first half hour, then they started to drag. Tom and I had a great time and agreed it would be great to come back one year without the kids and go to the haunted one at night.
Getting ready to trick-or-treat!
One last picture before we headed out the door to trick-or-treat with our friends Sara and Calvin.
We lost my great friend Jackie way too soon:(
Kendall's 3rd birthday Kendall trying gymnastics
So precious kids Our crazy kids
Family Christmas Picture
Beautiful girls
Adventureous Max Bruiser Tucker
And now they're mobile!
I know this was long and yet brief, but my time is precious right now. Getting 10 minutes to do anything at one time is rare. We had a great 2012. It was crazy, blessed, tiring and amazing. I have to say I'm glad the boys are getting older, but I also feel like I've missed so much just being busy and tired. My goal for 2013 is to post at least once a month - hopefully more:)
1 comment:
Ahhh, Kim! I love your blog post! I've missed you all so much. This was a fun catch-up for me. So many adorable pictures. I love the one with Max & Tucker on the changing table looking in opposite directions...were they having an argument? Your family is so precious. I wish I were closer to enjoy you all.
Please say hi to everyone for us
Lots of love,
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