Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tucker Walks!

Big news in our house...Tucker has taken off!  He took his first steps on his 10 month birthday, and he's gotten more and more brave. 
Here are some of his first:)
Max is getting closer, but not quite there yet.  He will occasionally let go while he's standing up, and he loves walking if you're holding his hands, but he's a little less sturdy than Tucker.  Don't feel bad for Max though, he thinks it real fun to crawl right into Tucker while he's standing and push him over.  They have had a few wrestling matches over various toys, balls and a blackie.  Tom and I even stopped a movie to watch the rumble - it was too funny!  We're loving seeing these two grow and develop daily.
The girls are also doing great.  We're finally (hopefully) over all the sickness and ready for warm weather - unfortunately we have a few more months to wait.  Kinley is still loving gymnastics and Kendall has started preschool. 

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