Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I can't believe this was our first snow of the season, but it was a good one!
Kinley has been asking/telling me for weeks that when its January and February she wants to make snow angels, snowmen and have a snow ball fight.

Kinley is super excited about playing in the snow - Kendall, not so much.

Kinley making a beautiful snow angel. She couldn't make any snowballs or a snowman because the snow wouldn't stick together. Of course that doesn't mean she didn't try to make snow balls and throw them at her sister who was already crying.

Just a picture from our front yard of the neighborhood and the snow. Not sure what Kinley's trying to show me. Right after this, a minivan came around the corner pulling 6 girls on sleds all tied together. Lots of squeals and laughing - looked like a blast to me!

I do like the snow, but it would be so much better if it wasn't so cold! Maybe next time Tom can come play with us and Kendall would have a better time with her daddy.

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