Friday, October 17, 2008

Pretty Toes

Kinley and I went to the mall so I could get a pedicure. This was the reward to myself for working hard in Knoxville. I chose black paint because my sister and I were talking about it and how cute we think it looks, especially in the Halloween season. I let Kinley pick out a color to hold and she chose many shades before setteling on a clear glitter. I had her go find a pretty pink one, and she went toward the neon section. We both soaked our feet and got our legs massaged and then our toes painted. Kinley has gone with me a few times before, but she usually just soaks her feet and gets them dried off. This was the first time the lady painted her toes too. This is not something she'll get often, but its fun every once in a while.
We also decided it was close enough to Halloween to wear the seasonal clothing. Don't worry, we didn't wear matching outfits. Just my toes matched her outfit. She's pretty cute if I do say so!

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